About the machine Etelä-Suomen Sanomat published (27.1.2018) a Finnish hairdresser´s opinion, or more of a cry for a help, on 27.1.2018. The paper lets professionals from different fields reveal the "untold secrets" or their work. This secret, if it is such to somebody, has the headline Necessity Entrepreneurship is wrong. A screenshot of the headline the ESS published on 27.1.2019 The unidentified writer sees that it is the machine, the Finnish system, has made it impossible for microentrepreneurs to hire people. Hairdressers are forced to rent chairs in their salons at a high price. According to the writer, young professionals are therefore forced out from the industry just to start working on the black market. The writer worries about the misbehavior towards young professionals and about he jealoysy that controls the athmosphere on the industry. Lowering the taxes would be the solution, the text says. Having been there by myself, the text was not...
Hius- ja kauneudenhoitopalvelujen turvallinen tuottaminen ja käyttäminen on tämän blogin pihvi. Blogia on tuotettu Erasmus+ KA2 hankkeelle First Things First FTF. This blog is partly funded by an Erasmus+ project FTF and it promotes the work safety within the hair, beauty and makeup industry.