Of all the possible topics, work safety was never an option for a blog. Too boring, not fashionable, too official, absolutely not interesting enough to spend my expensive free time with. If I would have a blog, I thought, it would share my inspirational braiding videos. Or I would film cooking, or travels, or whatever that looks good. My new spring coat (photo later). But NOT protective gloves. You know what I am talking about? I don´t exactly remember when I started to think differently. I did't get allergic, neither did any of my colleagues. But, today I think work safety is one of the most interesting things to be developed on the hairdressing and beauty treatment sector. The impact that improvements in work safety can have, is remarkable on both human and financial levels. And, there are lots to develope. So, join my club! Hey, It´s Under Your Nose is to be a blog about work safety within the hair and beauty and make-up industry. Hairdressing is a ...
Hius- ja kauneudenhoitopalvelujen turvallinen tuottaminen ja käyttäminen on tämän blogin pihvi. Blogia on tuotettu Erasmus+ KA2 hankkeelle First Things First FTF. This blog is partly funded by an Erasmus+ project FTF and it promotes the work safety within the hair, beauty and makeup industry.