Siirry pääsisältöön

Work with cosmetics? Know your shit!

Of all the possible topics, work safety was never an option for a blog. Too boring, not fashionable, too official, absolutely not interesting enough to spend my expensive free time with. If I would have a blog, I thought, it would share my inspirational braiding videos. Or I would film cooking,  or travels, or whatever that looks good. My new spring coat (photo later). But NOT protective gloves. You know what I am talking about?

I don´t exactly remember when I started to think differently. I did't get allergic, neither did any of my colleagues. But, today I think work safety is one of the most interesting things to be developed on the hairdressing and beauty treatment sector. The impact that improvements in work safety can have, is remarkable on both human and financial levels.  And, there are lots to develope. So, join my club!

Hey, It´s Under Your Nose  is to be a blog about work safety within the hair and beauty and make-up industry. Hairdressing is a field that plays with fashion and there are no rules on what you can do or what you cant do. Exept in work safety! Based on my experience, the work safety is not properly taken care of in the hairdressing sector.

My intention is to write articles that will help you, a hair and beauty professional, to know your shit, the things you just have to master.  I am planning on pointing out hazards in salon environment so that you would identify them. This is the first step in preventing them. I am also very interested in promoting the safety of a customer.

I would need and appreciate your help in selecting the hazards we need to talk about. You are welcome to suggest ideas! What is a hazard that is not widely recognized? What hazards are most hazardous? What is the newest hazard you detected in your work?

Partly,  I write the blog for the great Erasmus+ project called The First Things First. It is an two-year project, launched November 2017,  that promotes the health and well-being within the hair and beauty and the make-up industry. There are partners from vocational colleges from five countries and they are to develope a work-safety related information. The net site  is open already and has some usefull videos and links. The Edupoli, vocational college from Porvoo, coordinates the project. I work in that project through my company Pikku Reata.  The big names in industry, Sim Sensitive and The M-Room are there to help us with the work. Our second project meeting will be in Leeds City College, UK, in March, and I will share the things we will learn in there.

So, please, let your colleagues know we are working on it, and share the blog. Next, I am deciding on the first hazard we will investigate. Probably my favourite, the protective gloves 😁.
(I am not saying we could´t do few braiding videos every now and then  😇. And the spring coat which is , by the way, the color of a unicorn).


  1. You mentioned the important aspect of customer safety. In my opinion (as a customer) it would be great if the hairdresser pointed out some signs of allergic reactions or at least encourage the customer to inform of any feeling of discomfort of any kind... Stereotypical, I know, but we Finns tend to be reluctant in saying anything negative whilst being treated by a hairdresser or served by a waiter etc.


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