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Know your shit, the quiz

Photo:Pikku Reata for First Things First
Some time ago, I told a hairdresser that I have the opportunity to work for a project that raises awareness on work safety. The hairdresser was surprised. He raised his eyebrows: "Is there something that we need to do? He wondered if the project has to do with preventing sexual harrasment, (metoo was on the news everywhere)  and maybe that is why he isn´t in the middle of work-related problems.

I thought the discussion was a great eye-opener. It´s exactly how it is. You work hard, create amazing haircuts and colors, give treatments and massages, run your business, make your living out of it. In ideal situation, the work safety is routine in every step of your work.

But is it with everybody? According to a Finnish  authority, 70% of hairdressers and beauty therapists develope work related hand excema at some point of the career. Work related problems on hands could be prevented with proper handcare. But how do you know you take care of your hands properly?

Here is a simple quiz that helps to find out about proper handcare. The quiz is made by Kahoot!, and it is easy to take (also because of all the answers are right). You can do the quiz by yourself, or if you are a salon manager or owner, or a teacher, you can host to quiz to your people. The players can of any level of learning or work.

The quiz can be used as sort of a self evaluation tool. Just allow yourself a minute to think about the work you do, and how the others in your community do it. There might be juniors or learners in your community whom you are fully or partially responsible of. There might be a colleague who is developing a skin problem at the moment and who might benefit of your help. Most importantly, you might find out you are not taking all the necessary actions for being able to produce those stunning looks and beautiful treatments to your clients for years to come.

I wish you enjoy the quiz, and share it to all that might benefit of it.
A screenshot of the downloaded Kahoot! app

How to take the quiz

When you take it by yourself:

1.Download the Kahoot! app.
2. Use the magnifying tool to search the quiz, write
p1kkureata on the bar.
3. Kahoot! discovers the quiz: Hair&Beauty: the work safety quiz 1
4. Select the quiz, select play.
5. Add the quiz to your favorites (star) and it will be easy to find when you need it again.

You can also  be a host of the quiz

1. Have your players download the Kahoot!app.

2. Meanwhile,  use your own device to find the quiz from this link. Kahoot! finds the quiz
"Hair&Beauty: the work safety quiz. Select "play".
3. Select Classic or Team Mode according to your wishes
4.Kahoot! gives you a pin code. Display the code on the screen.
5. Your players use the pincode to log in, and then give nickname for themselves.
6. As all players are in, start the quiz.

ps Please note that the quiz is based on the recommendations by the Finnish authorities (2017). The prosentage of people suffering of hand excema is reported by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.


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